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Thought Leadership
I've had the opportunity to speak on the 2023 Asian Pacific Islander Desi American and Mental Health Matters Washington panels to present how I incorporate somatic practices and activism into my therapy work with Asian Pacific Islander clients. I've also had the opportunity to be a guest on the Life Activated, Reclaiming Soul Work, and Hot Girls Healing podcasts. The topics have included:
The intersections of mental health and spirituality
Using tarot in therapy work
My connection to my Filipino culture and how my lived experience informs my therapy work with marginalized populations
The importance of self care as a therapist
Ways to decolonize and apply and anti oppression lens to the social work profession
I am happy to offer consultations for organizations, participate in panels, podcasts or speaking engagements that align with my passions and values.
I have an expertise in the following topics:
Decolonizing Filipino culture
Filipino and Filipino American identity issues, family dynamics, communication dynamics
Asian Pacific Islander topics, issues, subject matter and addressing issues of grief and activism in light of current events affecting that population since the pandemic
Intersections of mental health and spirituality
Subject matter related to decolonizing the social work and mental health profession
Integrating somatic practices into therapy practice

Consulting support is $175 per hour, while speaking engagements are charged at a rate of $350 per event.
I am open to negotiating based on your budget or considering alternate forms of compensation such as covering parking expenses, gas/mileage, or providing meals for the speaking engagement.